4 Ways to Increase Revenue while Decreasing Stress

4 Ways to Increase Revenue while Decreasing Stress

Hello from Portugal!

Over the last 8 weeks, I have traveled more days than I have spent at home. I have been able to do this, working less than 20 hours a week, and I'm making double what I made working for someone else. Here are the top 4 things that have made this possible.

1. I systematized my workflow and outsourced everything outside of my zone of genius.

Systems may seem like a scary concept, but you probably already have a workflow that you rely on without realizing it. To start, write down your entire process of how things work in your business, from the moment you acquire a new lead. For instance, when someone fills out a contact form to work with me, they are automatically entered into my client management software. From there, leads are sent an automated email prompting them to book a call with me. Once I’ve had a call with someone, I have mapped out a series of steps for my virtual assistant to take (from creating a client matter, to sending proposals and contracts). I save ten hours of work every week by delegating these seemingly quick administrative tasks. Along the same lines, I outsource graphic design, and anything super techy or data-based (like ads). I use my INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT for all of my part-time hires, so I know my confidential business info is safe. By outsourcing, I can handle an increased volume of clients and focus on the things I love (like TRADEMARKS, product creation, and writing these emails).

2. I chose work that I love

Work is easier when it’s something you enjoy doing. I tend to procrastinate tasks I don’t enjoy (like sending a nasty lawyer email when I was doing litigation). I actually enjoy practicing trademark law and creating new contracts and offerings for my clients. Plus, I get to work with amazing people – entrepreneurial women who are building incredible businesses.

3. I stopped over-complicating client acquisition

When I first started my business, I spent a lot of money on my business that I didn’t need to spend. I learned that getting clients was actually a lot simpler than I was making it out to be. Once I made the shift and started spending time on the things that mattered, I saw results immediately.

4. I make passive income with digital products

In addition to working 1:1 with women on TRADEMARKS, copyright, website policies, and contracts through my LAW FIRM, I have a CONTRACT TEMPLATE SHOP that operates as its own business. While creating this business did require the initial work of drafting the agreements, and overhead of web design and hiring attorneys to review them (like any normal start-up overhead), it now has unlimited potential for growth, without having to trade time for money or worry about physical inventory.

Want to learn more about working smarter, not harder?

Inside THE BUSINESS STUDIO, you’ll basically have in-house counsel combined with business coaching for a whole year (me 🙋‍♀️) . Not only will I be making sure your business is legally legit (unlimited trademarks & access to contract templates + one-on-one time with me + text access), I will be teaching business workshops and bringing in the experts who helped me build a 6-figure remote online business in less than a year.

Ready to join? I only have THREE spots left!


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